Žrišjudagur, 19. jśnķ 2007
Unfjöllun um mydina “Who Killed the Electric Car? (2006)”
Unfjöllun um mydina Who Killed the Electric Car? (2006)
Ķ žessari mynd er fjallaš um rafmagnsbķl sem GMC žróaši og settir ķ tilraunanotkun. Notendur bķlanna voru įnęgšir meš žį en žeir fengu ekki aš kaupa bķlana. Žeir voru allir eign GMC.
Bķlarnir voru svo allir innkallašir og žeim eytt.
Product Description In 1996, electric cars began to appear on roads all over California. They were quiet and fast, produced no exhaust and ran without gasoline. Ten years later, these futuristic cars were almost entirely gone. What happened? Why should we be haunted by the ghost of the electric car?
Hér sjįst bķlarnir ķ stęšu, samanpressašir
Ég hafšiheyrt talaš um žessa bķla, en vissi ekki um žessa mynd fyrr en nśna.
Žetta er ekki slęm framtķšarsżn žar sem hęgt er aš fį raforku meš umhverfisvęnum hętti. T.d. hér į Ķslandi.
Ég mį til aš lįta fylgja meš umsögn įhorfanda um mindina:
By Golden Lion "Reader" (North Ogden, Ut United States) - See all my reviews
Ovonics battery technology powered the EV1. GM electric car EV1 was cool. GM bought majority ownership of Ovonics. After the EV1 program was canceled, GM sold Ovonics to Texaco.
GM feared the electric car: 1. no internal combustion engine 2. demand distortion 3. fear of popularity of the electric car 4. fuel cost of about 60 cents a gallon in energy cost 5. coal generation of electricity would result in less population 6. federal support of fuel cell and hydrogen 7. increased profits for oil companies.
An electric car is an appliance commodity. A simple electrical unit is installed in the garage providing recharge capability. Tesla demonstrated that electric could be transmitted wirelessly. The EV would recharge wirelessly. Small companies have companies like AC propulsion, UQM, and altair technologies have the components for the advanced EV technology. However, the desire for investors to make the commitment for these technologies is lacking. GM is winning through intimidation. GM new concept car the Volt will probably be over 80k like the Tesla and tZero. eBox, a engine stripped Toyota XA costs 55k. Zap offers a EV in the price range of 15k. Zap is strapped with debt and is emerging from bankruptcy. The low cost EV will most like come from the Korean car companies.
Japan likes Hybrids: The Toyota Prius continues to gain strength. The prius extends its abilities by offering capability to run the first 40 miles exclusively on battery with a recharge 110 Volt kit. Why buy Volt EV when Prius keeps bridging the gap between hybrid and electric vehicle? 2007, Toyota sold 250,000 hybrid vehicles. Hybrids have long return on investment cycles, tax cuts, and are low emission.
Fuel cell vehicles are hyped. Powerful 40 volt batteries could provide real time hydrogen reformers transforming water in hydrogen real time. Cars that run on water.
However, EV and fuel cell cost has been inhibiting. Fuel distribution is an issue. One fuel source is Ammonia. Ammonia can be reformed into hydrogen either real time or at refueling stations. I think the Hydrogen complexity scenarios are buying time and delaying the conversoin to electricity. Electricity is the future. Computers, actuators, and cheap unlimited energy is the future.
EVs are a much more feasible solution to climbing fuel prices. Production lines do not need significant modification to build an EV.
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